Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Media Center Crashes - ehrecvr.exe

Wow, is this annoying. Microsoft released an update for Windows XP recently. It, as had a previous update, conflicted with my TV Tuner. Now every 2, maybe 3 seconds, a service called ehrecvr.exe crashes and I'm faced with the option of sending an error report to Microsoft.

There are probably many people being faced with this problem. I'm sure that many sites will have suggested disabling these services. This can be used using the cmd.exe command. However, it's probably worth noting that this could stop Live TV from working at all.

I'd also like the opportunity to say here that you are using this solution at your own risk - I won't be held responsible for any damage to your computer.

Here are the steps to be taken:
(When typing in commands, do not type the speech marks)

1. Firstly make sure that Media Center is not open.

2. In the Start menu, click on run. Then type in the command "cmd.exe"

3. You should see a command line interface. Type in the command "regsvr32.exe atl.dll" and press Enter.

4. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehSched /unregServer" and press Enter.

5. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehSched /service" and press Enter.

6. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRecvr /unregServer" and press Enter.

7. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRecvr /service" and press Enter.

8. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRec.exe /unregServer" and press Enter.

9. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRec.exe /regserver" and press Enter.

10. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehmsas.exe /unregServer" and press Enter.

11. Type in the command "C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehmsas.exe /regserver" and press Enter.

12. Open up Media Center again - hopefully it should now work. Not sure about Live TV though :(

However, I preferred to simply remove the last update and Turn Off Automatic Updates altogether. Yes, my PC is more vulnerable to future threats but at least I can watch TV now :P


Unknown said...

I'm having the same problem myself. Do you know the KB # of the update so i can try uninstalling it?

freakokalam said...

@ roder,

I'm sorry but I'm not sure of the size of the update, especially since there are several different updates that have conflicted with TV tuners in the past.
My advice would be to simply run System Restore since this will remove the update.

Tarun said...

I have Windows XP media center and I keep getting Visual studio just in time debugger saying that "An unhandled win32 exception has occured in ehrecvr.exe". Its so annoying. I tried stopping the ehrecvr.exe service then I dont get the error but then somehow that service starts again and I get same win32 exception. Can somebody please help!!!

Mark V said...

Got to say that this is typical of microsoft. I always tell my customers NOT to have auto update on so when you have a problem you know when to restore to!

Jason said...

AWESOME POST!! I have had this problem for 2 years now and was going crazy trying to figure it out.. My media center wouldnt even open! My computer was getting filled with recorded TV programs and I couldn't do anything about it.. You saved the day! Three CHEERS!!!!

Jason said...
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Jason said...
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Jason said...

OH.. and an easy way to not type is to cut and paste his texts - makes it so that you don't have any typing errors..

Freakalytics said...

Thanks so from tmuch for sharing this!

I put it all in a text file and saved it with a ".cmd" file extension and then ran it from the cmd.exe prompt.

Here is what I placed in the command file:

regsvr32.exe atl.dll
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehSched /unregServer
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehSched /service
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRecvr /unregServer
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRecvr /service
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRec.exe /unregServer
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehRec.exe /regserver
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehmsas.exe /unregServer
C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehmsas.exe /regserver